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Virtual Races FAQ

  • Is there ample car parking at the start?
    There is limited parking at the Booking Hall itself, but there is the opportunity to park on New Road, on the opposite side of the Flitch Way. New Road, Rayne, Braintree. CM77 6TG
  • Where does the race start and finish?
    The race starts and finishes outside The Booking Hall Café, at the train station at Rayne, on the Flitch Way itself. The race also finishes in this location. Postcode is CM77 6RX. Please do not park in this location.
  • What time do I need to register?
    The race starts at 9:30am and so we kindly ask that you are registered prior to 8:45 ready for the race briefing.
  • Is there a mandatory race briefing?
    Yes, the race briefing will be at 9:15, on the platform, right outside the Booking Hall Café at Rayne train station, on the Flitch Way.
  • Is there somewhere secure that I can leave my baggage at the start?
    We will have a tent for you to store a bag with any specific race needs, and for anything you may need straight after the race. Although this tent will be in sight of the H&T crew at all times, we ask that you don’t leave any valuables in your bags.
  • Are there any changing facilities available?
    There will not be any changing facilities available.
  • Where are the toilets located?
    The toilets will be located within the Booking Hall Café at the start and finish location, or there will be adequate provision made, by way of portable toilets.
  • Do you send my race number out or do I have to collect it on the day?
    Race numbers will be collected on the day, at registration. Don’t worry, we will provide safety pins!
  • What shoes should I wear, road or trail?"
    The course is usually absolutely fine for road shoes, with the course being a mixture of hard packed trail and tarmac sections.
  • Are the roads closed?
    There are no road closures as the course is entirely run on public footpaths. There is one crossing of a road, near to Rayne station where the course crosses the entrance road to a small residential area. Please take care! There will be a marshall at this location during the early stages of the race.
  • How will you know how many laps I have done, do I have to count myself somehow?"
    Each lap you complete, you will be given a wristband to signify a completed lap. Once you have decided enough is enough, and rung the bell…we will count up your wristbands and calculate your final distance.
  • What will the aid station have for competitors during the race?
    Aid stations will have drinks such as water, squash and flat coke. Alongside that, there will be a selection of fruit, sweet and savoury snacks such as flapjacks, crisps and nuts.
  • What happens if I want to do another lap but there isn’t enough time for me to complete it?
    We ask people to use their common sense and to only start a lap if they can comfortably complete it within the time limit. That said, this will be at the race director’s discretion.
  • How do I let you know when I have done enough laps and want to stop?
    There is a bell for you to ring, when you decide to call it a day. Your time will be recorded and then then the exciting bit, you will receive your event medal!
  • How many laps do I have to run to get a medal?
    ONE…yes only one. If you complete one lap of the course, you receive a medal.
  • Will the race have any permits or licences from accredited bodies?
    Hare & Tortoise Running are affiliate members of UK Athletics and our races all take place under race permits issued by the Trail Running Association (TRA). This will allow it to count towards any 100 Marathon club numbers if you wish it to do so.
  • If I have a problem during the race, how do I let you know?"
    Please contact the race director in the event of any emergency on the day. The emergency number will be issued at registration. We advise that you carry a mobile phone if possible.
  • When and where will the results be available?
    The results will be posted on our website on our results page and our social media platforms just as soon as we can get them done, hopefully the same day as the event.
  • What happens if I can’t run, can I defer my entry?"
    If you are unable to participate for any reason we do offer you the opportunity to either defer your entry to one of our future races within a 12 month period or alternatively you are able to transfer your entry to another runner. We are unable to process any deferrals or transfers within the final 14 days prior to race date and therefore must receive your request in advance of this.
  • Will there be any race photos and if so, where will they be?"
    There will be no official race photographer, but we will take photos out on the course for use on our social media platforms and for publication on our website.
  • Can I bring my dog or run with a buggy?
    I am afraid, due to the conditions of our race permit and also the restrictions in terms of our insurances, that are in place to ensure the safety of all paricipants, it is not possible to run with your dog or a buggy.
  • I've paid for the wrong entry type, what do I need to do?"
    If you have paid for an affiliated entry and you are not a member of an affiliated running club then you will need to use the Paypal "pay now" button on the main FAQ page to pay your additional £2 per runner charge. If you have paid for an unaffiliated place and you are a member of an affiliated running club then please e-mail us on and we will issue you a refund for the additional charge.
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